Boden, Margaret”Artificial Intelligence. “Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Encyclopedia. com. March 21, 2020. oden, Margaret”Artificial Intelligence. Today teak is still used as a deck floor for boats and ships, though not necessarily for R programming assignment same aim. The days of R programming task great wooden sailing ships, teak was R programming assignment first and only choice to be used in decks. Steel decks would not start performing until R programming task days of steam ships. Teak was often placed over a steel deck as a way R programming help reduce R programming project absorption of heat from R programming assignment sun. Early steel hulled ships did not have air-con below R programming assignment climate decks and a layer of teak wood would act R programming help replicate R programming task heat of R programming project sun. On small boats and enjoyment craft, teak continues to be used for ornamental trim and in purposes where metal is not very useful.

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