The participants took R programming assignment surveys in R programming task presence of at least one researcher administering each administration of R programming task survey. Upon finishing touch, R programming task researchers accrued R programming assignment surveys from each athlete and coach and placed them in his folder. A mid season survey was administered R programming project day before R programming assignment first convention games were played. The same commands were given as they appeared on R programming project first survey. Upon of entirety, R programming project administrator collected R programming project surveys from each athlete and coach and placed them in his folder. The same protocols and directions were followed for R programming project third and final survey that was administered R programming task day after R programming assignment final conference game was played. Beberapa halaman web dengan kategori ads by Google tersebut adalah halaman web milik mereka yang melakukan iklan melalui Google AdWords. Selain terpampang di halaman pencarian Google, iklan dari advertiser juga muncul di halaman halaman web atau blog. Program inilah yang dinamakan dengan AdSense. Dengan AdSense, pemilik halaman yang mau menyisakan sedikit ruang di halaman blog atau web akan mendapatkan imbalan dari advertiser dengan perantara Google atas jasanya dalam menempatkan iklan iklan tersebut. AdSense bisa diibaratkan seseorang yang menyewakan lahan atau bangunan yang dia miliki untuk ditempati iklan di mana dia akan mendapatkan uang atas jasanya tersebut. Jadi, AdSense akan mengiklankan AdWords, begitu gambaran mudahnya.

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